Comfort Zone: Is It Worth Leaving?

The comfort zone is a place where we feel secure, safe, and life flows calmly. It is our sanctuary, where we avoid risks and uncertainties. However, is it worth leaving this safe haven? Can stepping beyond the boundaries of this familiar area bring us benefits? Here is an analysis of whether leaving the comfort zone […]

Homesickness for Turkish Expats

Homesickness for Turkish Expats Living in a European country brings a lot of opportunities including economic, educational, and social advantages. These drive Turkish people to live in a European country. However, they may face a common problem for many; homesickness. In this article, I mention the way Turkish expats have homesickness and the strategies to cope […]

Being Confused About Where to Belong?

“After my half-hour walk, I arrived in the town. As I walked along the main street, I wandered among the people, my eyes on the street, advancing without being noticed by many people passing by. There was nothing stranger than being in a foreign country.” — Albert Camus Embarking on a new journey — it […]